Students from the Early Childhood Careers program, taught by Younghee Steenhoek, embark of the first steps of their careers. They started their internship at the Walnut Street School with the Universal Prekindergarten in Ms. Reagh’s classroom. These 4 year olds and high school students have had a long partnership during the last few years.

They started with a large group activity.  Two students read the book, “I Went Walking”, as one preschooler helped to hold the book. These high school students are getting comfortable speaking in front of these young students since that have worked with the Downtown School’s K-1 programs. After reading, another student started a sing-a-long with a rendition of, “Itsy Bitsy Spider”.

After the ECC students finished reading a book to the preschoolers they then worked on an all class activity that had originally been planned in-class. This gave these students opportunities to experience class room planning in an active environment.

With the planned activity they would all read, write, draw, cut, and paste.  Then once this project ended it was time for a circle gathering. During this, a bear is passed around to each person and they introduce themselves. While the Central Campus students passed the bear quickly, the preschoolers took their time. Each took the chance to hug the bear and feel the warmth.  Finally, saying goodbye is difficult, but quickly done so as not to disturb the preschooler’s learning environment.  While the preschoolers counted up to 12, the Central Campus students whispered goodbyes and tiptoed out.

It has been such a wonderful time for all of us.  It is too good to believe that learning can be this much fun.  Everyone is looking forward to next month’s meeting.

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