Awards season continues for student filmmakers at Central Campus

Brock Stillmunks, Finn Pilcher, Helena Gruensteidl
Congratulations to seniors Brock Stillmunks, Finn Pilcher, and Helena Gruensteidl.
They were recognized this past weekend in Minneapolis at the Upper Midwest Student Awards sponsored by the National Academy of Television Arts & Science. In late March, the students became aware of their nomination in the categories of non-fiction and music video, but it wasn’t until the April 10 ceremony that the winners were announced.
Brock states, “We are honored to have our work recognized outside of Iowa and we’re glad that Central Campus allowed us the opportunity to use these industry skills in a competitive atmosphere.”
Only one “crystal pillar” is awarded in each category for students from our five state area that includes Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin, North Dakota, and South Dakota. The awards ceremony paid tribute to student production work in high school and college programs. Central Campus is Iowa’s Premier Regional Academy for Advance Career Programs including the award winning Broadcast and Film program led by instructors Tim Coleman and Kirk Johnson.