Robotic Overlords
April 29 & 30, 2016 robotics students from Central Campus, Iowa’s Premier Regional Academy for Advance Career Programs, descended upon Iowa State University for the 2016 HyperStream IT Olympics. Out of 58 teams in the Robotic Gold Division – the three Central Campus teams ranked #5, #11 and #19. Congratulations!
The goal for these teams was to design autonomous robots and program them to push or flip each other outside of a circular ring. Teams were to use only Lego Mindstorms NXT or EV3 kit for the sumo competition. The competition was sponsored by Iowa State University & the Technology Association of Iowa.
I, for one, welcome our new robotic overlords.

Team 34, ranked 5th: James Kilts (East), Sulejman Mujkanovic (Hoover), Stephen Toothman (Hoover), Sterling McTee (Hoover)