Attention Parents: Important Conference Information

Dear Central Campus Families, 


Once again, Central Campus will be hosting Parent/Teacher Conferences virtually this semester on:  


March 8 @ 4:00-7:30pm via Teams Meetings.  


We strongly encourage students to attend the virtual Parent/Teacher Conferences with their parent/guardian(s). As high schoolers, students need to journey down the path of taking ownership of their academic and social/emotional learning. Central Campus welcomes partnerships with students and parents. Strong school/family connections help provide better support for teenagers so they may find success nowand as an adult In addition, if you would like to request a face-to-face conference with your child’s teacher, please contact the teacher directly via their school email.  The teacher will then get back to you with a date to meet before or directly after school. 


Central Campus students should be very familiar with how to navigate Teams Meetings. Log onto Central Campus Parent/Teacher Conferences site, or use this QR code to sign up for conferences.

   Conference qr code


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